DragonHeart Challenge

Join me in my 2012 DragonHeart Challenge as I work to become a better me. Visit this link to see details!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

MIA after TIA

So I had a 'mini-stroke'
A few weeks ago, I had woken up with the same headache I had had for 5 previous days.  It was unlike my previous migraines.  Mid morning I sneezed and my nose starting gushing blood.  Gushing as in fill the sink, soak the shirt ~ look like a body was dragged across the floor gushing.  It would not stop either so I dialed 911.  The ambulance came and my blood pressure was 189/119.  I went in and waited the 'unnecessary long time' in our 'amazing' emergency rooms to be told that I'd had a TIA ~ A transient ischaemic attack.  My blood pressure and cholesterol are not good. 

So, this not another diet has to be real.
Lower Cholesterol
Lower Sodium
More Activity

No bargaining with my health this time.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Yogurt, Granola & Berries

Snack Time.  Chips, Pop, Chocolate.  Carbs, Caffeine, Sugar.  Yup....welcome to our culture.

Here the low down on my favourite healthy snack.  Sweet, crunchy, calcium rich and a serving of fruit.

Only three ingredients.

Yogurt. Low fat, full fat or Greek ~ the fact is yogurt is good for you.
Granola. Peruse the cereal aisle for your favourite combination.  I like raisins in mine!
Fruit.  Strawberries, Banana, Blueberries, Blackberries....anything goes.

Mix the above all together/or layer.

Enjoy.  Simply Healthy.

Weekly Points Check-in
What is your favourite healthy snack? Share so we can enjoy too!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snow Shovelling Workout 101

Wednesday and Thursday we are supposed to get some snow.  Then comes my favourite 'get something done and exercise at the same time' workout.  That is if you live in Canada or a snowy winter state in the US.  Here are some tips for Snow-shovelling.

Get a good shovel. Look for a lighter-weight shovel that suits your size. A smaller shovel will allow you to scoop up less snow at a time and avoid getting hurt. Shovels with a bend in them, as opposed to the straight, broomstick-type style, are better for your lower back.

Pace yourself. Start shoveling soon after newly fallen snow since it is lighter than wet, heavily packed snow, and take small breaks (shovel an inch or two, rest, and repeat). Start out slowly to avoid putting too much stress on your heart all at once.

Push, rather than lift. When you can, try pushing the snow away from you, rather than lifting it, to avoid straining or twisting your back.

Use your legs. If you must lift snow, fill your shovel no more than half full. Bend your knees and lift with your legs, rather than your back. Keep your back straight. Avoid throwing snow over your shoulder or to the side, which causes your back to twist and can injure your shoulders.

Watch for ice. Look out for ice under the snow or on the ground that can cause you to slip and fall. Black ice, which looks like water but is actually thin ice, can be especially dangerous.

Listen to your body. If you feel tightness in your chest or have any pain, stop right away and call your doctor. If you're sore after shoveling, take a hot bath, get a massage, or take a pain reliever.  Know when to call it quits or get the hubby to finish up.

Sources: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, National Safety Council, North Dakota State University Extension Service

What was your favourite 'workout' you accomplished this week?
Comment below to recieve your weekly points for working out!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Wheat Free?

So I 've been considering limiting my intake of gluten daily.  I'm not sure I have the desire to go completely wheat free at this point but a moderation is called for!
Elimination Diet
As a simple test I will eliminate wheat products from my diet for the one week (this generally means all regular cereals, breads, pastas, bakery items, etc.) and observe my body's reaction.

Before starting, I will try to write down what symptoms I think I have ~ tiredness, carb cravings, IBS symptoms, acid reflux and maybe crankiness (just a touch).

Products to avoid this week:

Breading, coating mixes
Cereals (Wheat Based)
Soy sauce
Teriyaki sauce

If eliminating these products grants me relief from the above symptoms than I will limit my daily intake of gluten and have at least one day a week gluten free.

Here we go!  I will update you in a week to see how this went!

De-cluttering Life

Are you drowning in clutter?

At Christmas time, when I take down decorations, I put everyday decor into the Christmas boxes so it is out of sight for the holidays.  When I took down the Christmas decorations I made a conscious decision to put back only half of the 'trinkits' and decor and de-clutter our lives.

From there I began thinking about how to further emancipate our lives from 'stuff'.
I started in the bathroom cabinets, moved through the kitchen, the hutch the living room.

I connected my daughter to this process by suggesting that we have a spring yard sale of which half the proceeds of her items sold could go to a charity of her choice and the other half towards the item she is saving her allowance for.  Any of the things I sell I am doing the same 50:50 donation to charity.  It is a win-win situation ~ we declutter and learn gracious giving practices!

"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful."
William Morris

Here are some easy ideas for starting a declutter:

1)  One day - one closet.  Keep just the A-list clothing, the pieces that make you feel well.  Re purpose others for cleaning rags or donate to a used clothing store, free-cycle online or kijiji worthy articles.
2) Kitchen Gadgets - overflowing the drawers.  6 Corkscrews, a melon ball peeler, 3 paring knives and that thing that does something.  Put gadgets in a box on your counter - when you use one put it in a drawer as a useful tool.  After 2 months on the counter - consider these tool extras and unnecessary clutter and send them on their way!
There are many websites with tools to continue decluttering your physical environment. 
The ultimate goal is to declutter your mind. We are bombarded daily by Virtual Clutter - cellphones, email ... the pressure to be instantly and always available can make us edgy and hurried.  Put the brakes on technology and open the soul to life lived authentically. Here are two ideas to try that will bring about mental well being:
1) Set boundaries.  Turn the phone off during meals, leisure time and relationship time.
2) Pick one night a week to practice unplugging.  Start by going without your phone, then without the lab top then really push the boundaries by turning off the tube!

What is one way you've found to de-clutter your life?  Comment below to earn this Myself Monday's points!

Think on these and happy decluttering :) 

"The more you have, the more you are occupied.
The less you have, the more free you are."
Mother Teresa

"Clutter is a physical manifestation
of fear that cripples our ability to grow."
H.G. Chissell

"The sculptor produces the beautiful statue by chipping away
such parts of the marble block as are not needed -
it is a process of elimination."
Elbert Hubbard

Monday, January 9, 2012

Myself Monday

So I've felt pretty crappy all weekend.  At first, I thought it was viral or the remains of a flu. I think however it is again...my blood pressure rising because of my weight.
It's my body yelling WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!

So I'm spending my Myself Monday beginning my Heart Health practice. Here are a few of my ideas.

1)  Daily Exercise ~ 9:30am is Boot Camp with a Friend
                    ~ 3:30 when Nixie is home we will power walk the dogs.
2)  Relax  ~ Practice breathing deeply again
                ~ Have 5 minutes breaks to refocus both at home and work
3)  Foods ~ Potassium Rich
                ~ Reduce Sodium                             
                ~ Eat Dark Chocolate (1oz a day - I'm with that!)
                ~ Take vitamins
                ~ IMMEDIATELY stop drinking pop.  (Reduces Sodium & Caffeine)

So my Myself Monday Question to you is:
What are ways you relax that are healthy?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Potassium Rich Foods

" Potassium is an electrolyte-an electrically charged particle needed for proper cellular functioning. Potassium specifically helps in carrying an electrical charge to help a nerve or muscle contract, and it helps regulate blood pressure and allow the heart and kidneys to function properly. Studies have shown that increased potassium intake can decrease the incidence of forms of arterial aging.' (Dr. Mehmet Oz)

The recommended amount is 3,000 milligrams a day. 4000mg per day is the suggested amount to help fight hypertension and high blood pressure.  That seems like a huge amount but foods add up quickly! I also am reading this book 'The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth' (Jonny Bowden) looking for gems of potassium rich foods.

This is now hanging on my fridge. (Except mine has pretty pictures of healthy foods)

 Prune Juice
1 cup
½ medium
1 cup
Orange Juice
1 Cup
1 medium
1 medium
1 medium
1 Cup
½ Cup
Potato with Skin
1 medium
Black Beans
1 Cup
1 Cup
Kidney Beans
1 Cup
Tomato Juice
6 ounces
½ Cup
Sweet Potato
1 medium
1 medium
1 medium
½ cup cooked
½ cup cooked
½ cup cooked
1 cup
Lean Ground Beef
3 ounces
Chick Peas
1 cup
3 ounces
3 ounces